Borland is providing world class, state of the art solutions for Application Quality, Team Productivity and Application Lifecycle Support.
The solutions of Borland Software are end-to-end, which means that they support you in all stages of the application lifecycle.
For requirements management Caliber is able to support you with requirement elicitation, tracebility with a grid and a matrix and baselining. Caliber can also visualize, simulate and prototype your application as you are designing it. With these features you can consistently involve stakeholders as your design and functionalities evolve. A closer match to what the end user would like to have will be reached.
DevPartner provides the developer and end-to-end solution to support him / her during the entire development lifecycle. This includes Static CodeReview, Coverage Analysis, Perfomance Profiling, Memory Profiling of both managed and unmanaged code in .NET and Java, Monitoring DiskIO and NetworkIO from within or outside of the development environment and full integration into Visual Studio .NET and Eclipse. DevPartner comes with a System Compare Utility, which tells you why an application is working ok on system A and not on System B. It will pinpoint differences between a system in the morning and in the afternoon.

For Testing the Silk family of products enables you to perform all methodologies of testing in an Agile approach or DevOps. With SilkTest automated funcional tests can be configured in VB.NET, C#, Visual Scripting and Java. Not only desktop and web applications can be tested. With Silk Mobile also Applications on Android and IOS can be automatically tested. SAP application testing is fully supported as well.
With Silk Performer load and stress tests can be launched on your application. Via the Micro Focus Cloud Services you will have access to virtual agents via the cloud. These enable you to perform mass volume tests, larger then an on premise infrastructure would allow. Silk Performer is able to generate cross load test reports and trend reports, which makes you predict the behavior of your application as load increases.
Silk Central Test Manager (SCTM) is a complete test management solution. It fully supports test automation with the execution server and it supports manual testing, so that hybrid tests can be executed. There are numerous integrations into Microsoft Team Foundation Server, BugZilla, SAP Solman and IBM Requisite Pro, Rally, Jira, ClearQuest. SCTM comes with an extreme rich reporting facility.

SCTM really is the heart of any testing solution, because its diverse integration and rich reporting facilities. SCTM provides in cristal clear visibility into the status of any project in terms of test coverage and functionality readiness.